In this FREE discovery session, you'll get to:

February 15th or 17th 2022

- Uncover pieces of who you really are beyond the habits that have kept you operating in the same loops

Feel at Ease to Be YOU (and nobody else)

A LIVE mini dance party and guided meditation to gain clarity on what the REAL YOU is all about so that you can feel expansive with opportunity (instead of like your dreams expired).

I'm in!

- Refocus from feeling like all of your dreams have expired to feeling expansive with possibilities

This is for you if you're constantly helping everybody else and you’ve forgotten yourself amongst it all.

- Embody the real YOU that gets lost in the go-go-go (because remember, you don't need to be anybody else to be successful, happy and free)

If you've been dodging life's curveballs, you're exhausted trying to figure out what you’re really doing here… and not knowing leaves you unhappy.

Choose your date and join!

You have powerful gifts to share with the world but you're not sure what your next move is (yet).

- Tune-in to what might be holding you back from creating the peace you crave and feeling truly worthy to be yourself

Feel at Ease to Be YOU
(and nobody else)

A LIVE mini dance party and guided meditation to gain clarity on what the REAL YOU is all about so that you can feel expansive with opportunity (instead of like your dreams expired).

I want to have CLARITY!

Your Soul Connection Coach, Claudia-Sam

Claudia-Sam supports driven women who feel unfulfilled, have lost their sense of purpose after a burn-out or big-life change and feel stuck with where they are at in life to confidently trust themselves and take the leap fearlessly towards their purpose, saying no more (without guilt) and YES to themselves, while creating a fulfilling life filled with joy, using her Tune-In Method. 

Meet Claudia-Sam

She’s a highly trained yoga teacher from over 6 countries, has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies, 9 years experience empowering humans to live their passion while working in corporate events and has travelled around the world. She is based out of Bromont near Montreal in Canada.

- She used to hate meditation and yoga because she couldn’t “just do nothing”...
   until she had panic attacks and her perspective changed.
- Before becoming a coach and yoga teacher, she wondered if she should take a yoga       teacher training or take a professional makeup artist course!
- She once body surfed at a Bon Jovi concert… and dragged her mom into it!
- She lived for 60+ days in Nepal and took many cold showers from a bucket!
- She once peed her pants laughing so hard in her apartment hallway because her and     her friend Joëlle couldn’t figure out how to unlock their new Dutch door!
- Her boyfriend used to call her Ariel because she had bright red hair (for like 10 years).

Things you might not know about Claudia-Sam: 


Your Soul Connection Coach

- She used to hate meditation and yoga because she couldn’t “just do nothing”... until she had panic attacks and her perspective changed.

- Before becoming a coach and yoga teacher, for about 20 years, she was a jazz, hip hop and modern dancer and taught commercial/lyrical dance in her twenties.  

- She once body surfed at a Bon Jovi concert… and dragged her mom into it!

- She lived for 60+ days in Nepal and took many cold showers from a bucket!

- She once peed her pants laughing so hard in her apartment hallway because her and her friend Joëlle couldn’t figure out how to unlock their new Dutch door!

- Her boyfriend used to call her Ariel because she had bright red hair (for like 10 years).


I want to BE ME!

How it works?

The realtime discovery workshop will be interactive and, to get a plan of action, showing up LIVE will be supportive.

It will happen on the free and low-data Telegram app, in a group setting.

Download the app here

You don't have to turn your video on but unmuting yourself to get personalized support and engage with others will help you to feel part of the whole experience.

Feel at Ease to Be YOU (and nobody else)

Please fill out the form below to join our Free and realtime discovery workshop to get clear on what you want for YOURSELF so that you can put things into action instead of staying at a standstill.

You can unsubscribe anytime. For more details, review our Privacy Policy.