Put yourself at the top of your To-Do list
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Put Your Self at the
Top of Your To-Do List
In less than 15 minutes, learn how to shift out of autopilot, set boundaries to put yourself first and let go of the fear of saying no.
For ambitious people ready to choose their wellbeing over their job and pleasing people.
Take the "I'm Important" meter assessment
A 3-step audio guide with actionable steps to
(without feeling guilty or unproductive)
For ambitious people ready to choose their wellbeing over their job or pleasing people.
Get out of survival mode
Quit the go-go-go
Prioritize yourself daily
Discover what is disconnecting you from who you truly want to be so that you can align with your purpose (and stop saying yes to everyone else but yourself)
Uncover what creates energy leaks and drains you vs what uplifts you so that you can stop living in the go-go-go mode, feeling exhausted and like you’re getting nowhere on your life’s path.
Choose what energy level you wish to live in so that you can be your own inner guide and get out of survival mode
Listen for free NOW
The 3-step audio guide includes:
Be an active participant in your own life and start creating your own rules and listening to your own wants and needs (instead of being pulled into what others are asking of you without giving your heart a say)
Grab a journal and a pen, and press play!
Take action NOW
How becoming a priority using this 3-step audio guide impacted other happiness seekers:
“These exercises have helped me to have a more balanced lifestyle that feels good to me,
instead of not taking risks and staying on the path I think is right. I am taking small brave steps towards what I want NOW, not what I think I want or what someone else thinks I should do.”
R. England, Student and Job Seeker
“I noticed I was always living in the 'go go go' lifestyle without stopping. I never had time for breaks and I would get stressed and overwhelmed. It makes the NOW feel horrible, in hopes the FUTURE will feel good. Instead, I make sure I am enjoying the NOW and having time to refresh. It's not limited to these times, I am just practicing boundaries, and it feels really good.”
Anonymous, Social Work
“If I am not working, I tend to say yes and do whatever any family member asks of me - so I teach them that my time is there for them to take instead of acting like I value my time. I now commit to NOT jumping to a “yes” every time someone wants me.”
A. Canada, Self Employed Mother
“When I'm exhausted or have a migraine, it feels like I can't say no to work or tell my boss I wont be finishing a task like expected. The exercises suggested in the 3-step audio guide helped me to recognize that powering through and not listening to what my body needs actually prevents me from being authentic and honouring the new life decisions I’m making for myself.”
Anonymous, Events Management
I value myself too. Give me the guide please
Claudia-Sam supports driven women who feel unfulfilled, have lost their sense of purpose after a burn-out or big-life change and feel stuck with where they are at in life to confidently trust themselves and take the leap fearlessly towards their purpose, saying no more (without guilt) and YES to themselves, while creating a fulfilling life filled with joy, using her Tune-In Method.
Meet Claudia-Sam, your Soul Connection Coach
She’s a highly trained yoga teacher from over 6 countries, has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies, 9 years experience empowering humans to live their passion while working in corporate events and has travelled around the world. She is based out of Bromont (near Montreal) in Canada.
- She used to hate meditation and yoga because she couldn’t “just do nothing”...
until she had panic attacks and her perspective changed.
- Before becoming a coach and yoga teacher, she wondered if she should take a yoga teacher training or take a professional makeup artist course!
- She once body surfed at a Bon Jovi concert… and dragged her mom into it!
- She lived for 60+ days in Nepal and took many cold showers from a bucket!
- She once peed her pants laughing so hard in her apartment hallway because her and her friend Joëlle couldn’t figure out how to unlock their new Dutch door!
- Her boyfriend used to call her Ariel because she had bright red hair (for like 10 years).
Things you might not know about Claudia-Sam:
Download my free
audioguide now
Your Coach
- She used to hate meditation and yoga because she couldn’t “just do nothing”... until she had panic attacks and her perspective changed.
- Before becoming a coach and yoga teacher, she wondered if she should take a yoga teacher training or take a professional makeup artist course!
- She once body surfed at a Bon Jovi concert… and dragged her mom into it!
- She lived for 60+ days in Nepal and took many cold showers from a bucket!
- She once peed her pants laughing so hard in her apartment hallway because her and her friend Joëlle couldn’t figure out how to unlock their new Dutch door!
- Her boyfriend used to call her Ariel because she had bright red hair (for like 10 years).
Meet Claudia-Sam,
Your Soul Connection Coach